
homeopathic remedies based on Traditional Use Only

When treating yourself using homeopathic remedies we suggest seeking guidance on the right remedy for your specific ailments from some of the excellent homeopathy reference books and websites that are generally available.

We have found that often books are a more authoritative and informative source and many public libraries will have a selection of books on homeopathy and homepathic remedies/medicines. To assist in accessing those resources a list of brief descriptions of UK homeopathic practitioners common uses of traditional homeopathic remedies based on Traditional Use Only for a number of the milder conditions is listed below.

Homeopathic RemedyTraditional Use by Homeopaths in UK based on Traditional Use OnlyNotes


(pronounced Ackonite)
Symptoms are sudden, violent brief - anxiety, fear, restlessness, grief - high temperature with great thirst - Insomnia
Apis melInsect stings. Burning, stinging pains. Swelling of lower eyelids. Absence of thirst
Argent nitColic. Headache. Dizziness
(pronounced Aah-nicker)
Use after any injury. Bruises. Sprains. Physical exhaustion. Insomnia due to over tiredness. Muscles ache all overArnica is also a very popular herbal remedy.
Arsen albUpset stomach. Vomiting. Diarrhoea (as from food poisoning). Cramps in calves.
BelladonnaBrightly flushed face. Swollen joints. Vertigo. Facial neuralgia. Severe throbbing headache. Dry hacking cough. acne
BryoniaIrritability. Dryness. Dry painful cough. Dry lips. Thirst especially for cold drinks.
Calc carbCracked skin in the winter. Period pains. Itching skin. Premenstrual tension. Toothache. Vertigo. Insomnia.
Calc fluorHead colds with thick greenish-yellow discharge.Catarrh. Croup. Toothache.

Burns and scalds before blisters form; sunburn
Carbo vegIndigestion with excessive flatulence. Hoarseness. Loss of voice. Tinnitus with nausea and vertigo.
ChamomillaTeething; irritability and restlessness; colic; green slimey diarrhoea
Cocculus Travel sickness; nausea with hollow sensation in stomach; nausea during pregnancy
Colocynthis Colic; stomach pains; flatulence; cramp; stitching pain
EuphrasiaCold with watery eyes and streaming nose. Hayfever
GelsemiumInfluenza. Sneezing. Sore throat. Symptoms of flushing, aching, trembling. Weary with heavy aching muscles. Runy nose. Vertigo.Gelsemium is still used by professional medical herbalist but is not available over the counter.
GraphitesUnhealthy skin. Cracked finger tips. Constipation. Tinnitus. Earache. Sinus trouble. Dandruff
Hepar sulphSkin highly sensitive. Acne. Croup. Earache.
HypericumPainful cuts and wounds. Lacerated wounds involving nerve endings. (after consultation with a medical professional)lHypericum is also known as St John's Wort.
IgnatiaFright. Prolonged grief. Sore throat. Piercing headache.Insomnia
Kali phosMental tiredness from overwork. Nervous exhaustion. Nervous indigestion. Loss of voice. Hoarseness. Giddiness from exhaustion and weakness
LycopdiumIrritability. Fear of failure. Period pain. Premenstrual tension. Hiccough with acidity.
Mixed Pollen Hayfever when triggered by pollen
Nat murSneezy cold. Runny nose. Vertigo. Premenstrual tension. Housemaid's knee
Nux vomFor over indulgence in food and alcohol. Itching piles. Stuffy colds. Vertigo. Constipation. Raw throat
Phosphorous Dry cough; hypersensitivity; night sweats
PulsatillaPremenstrual tension. Catarrh. Styes. Menopause. Acne. Tinnitus
Rhus toxRheumatic aches and pains. Over-exertion. Pain in ligaments. Tickling cough
Ruta gravInjuries to bones. Fractures, dislocations. Sprains of wrists and ankles. Eye strain. Urticaria
SiliceaPhysical and mental debility due to exertion. Boils, abscesses, acne. Bunions. Chronic headaches. Sinus trouble
SulphurUnhealthy looking skin. Tendency to skin disease. Itching skin. Acne. Insomnia Tinnitus Lack of energy
ThujaWarty growths. Morning headachesThuja herbal tincture is used for its anti-viral properties to treat warts and can be prescribed by a qualified medical herbalist.

Additionally we recommend contacting NHS24 or your Doctor before proceeding on a course of self-treatment to ensure this is suitable for your circumstances. Most homeopathic remedies and medicines will include general dosages however specialist advice is available from practitioners such as professional homeopaths

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